Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thinking Blogger Award

Look what I got:

Canape of Don't Take the Repeats has bestowed upon me a Thinking Blogger Award. (It's also the first time I've ever been tagged for a meme.) I first encountered Canape as she was coping with the immediate grief of a miscarriage. Miscarriage is a topic that is difficult for people to talk about and understand, and she wrote so thoughtfully and beautifully about her experience--more so than I ever did--that I felt a connection to her right away. I second Gerbil's award to her. Canape makes me think and also entertains me and moves me with her observations and contemplations.

So now it is my task to give some awards. The blogs I like to read--the ones that make me think--are the ones that combine the personal, profession, emotional, and intellectual, refusing to compartmentalize their lives. (This might sound strange to those who know I keep two different blogs--this is because I want to offer updates on my family to my extended family and long distance friends, but I don't necessarily want them coming over here reading what I'm really thinking about--so I guess there's some compartmentalizing there.) And of course, I like to read blogs of people who are concerned about the same things as I am, so all of the blogs on this list address parenting and academic issues. I have also deliberately excluded people I know in person, even though I daily appreciate the ways they make me think.

The Thinking Bloggers:
Diss, Dat, and Diapers
Writing Maternity
My Handful

And now the buck is passed to you five--you are tagged and you must now award five Thinking Blogger Awards.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Sarah, thank you for the recognition! I feel unworthy, since I like to blog to avoid thinking and am the kind of person who has to Google "meme." (BTW, I found no answer about whether or not I could actually display that cute award logo at my site even though I might not be able to provide links to five whole blogs that make me think.)

Scrivener said...

Wow, thank you. I will hold up my end of the bargain sometime soon--I've been really slow about getting blog writing done of late. So especially thanks for thinking of me given the decline in my blogging.

mgm said...

Sarah, I am so flattered, though I think thinking at this point in my life is completely impossible, so I find it funny that you have bestowed a Thinking Blogger Award upon lil' ol' frazzled me.

Now, I have the difficult task of thinking of some blogs to pass the honors on to. (I may be a thinking English grad student, but dammit, I'll end a sentence with a preposition!)

And Jennie, I googled "meme" about a month ago, too!