Sunday, June 17, 2007


This is a personal vent. My husband worked two double shifts in a row, Friday and Saturday, because he only has two shift managers and they both asked off. Today he was supposed to go in at 4:00 p.m. He had to go in at 11:00 a.m. because at the time the restaurant was supposed to open, no manager was in sight. Just didn't show. I had been looking through recipes all week to put together a special meal for Father's Day, which is not so easy because my husband is picky. I cooked steak for the first time ever. I made a red wine marinade. Rebekah and I decorated cupcakes yesterday. But he missed it all. We had enough time to get up, take pictures of the girls with Daddy, and get happy about spending half a day together--we have to get excited about half a day--and then he had to leave and I'd already started cooking. Can't stop in the middle. My gift is wasted. It's in the refrigerator. It was good when I ate it alone at lunch, but day-old steak is not a special meal. And grilled potatoes that simply can't be reheated. And I ate three cupcakes. He had none. I've been depressed all day.

I'm more upset because this is not just a consequence of the job that takes too many hours. Someone did this to us. He had asked off for the weekend but in order to avoid using vacation time, opted for Friday and Saturday rather than Sunday. And then he didn't show up on Sunday and is not answering his phone or returning phone calls. Maybe something bad happened. I doubt it. It is more likely that he decided it was more important to be off work, so he just didn't go in. This happens a lot. And my husband is always the one who has to cover because he's the boss. So fire him, right? Sure, but then my husband has to work his 40 hours a week. Doesn't help the situation. It wasn't like this where we lived before. And there's only one more week left in this place, so maybe the new place will be better. My husband will be driving an hour every day until our house is ready, but he is happy to do it at this point.

Why do some people refuse to consider the consequences that their actions have for others? If this was an isolated incident, I wouldn't still be sad. But it happens all the time. And I am left alone. Today I am taking it personally.


Literacy-chic said...

I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to you. I hope something happens to make it better, but I know how it is when you hope for something to be perfect and then it gets ruined. It's really bad the way restaurant employees take advantage of others around here. My siblings have been walked over pretty badly, although they are not in positions of authority, but still end up covering for others who can't be bothered. I'm so sorry.

LeLe said...

Sarah, I'm so sorry! I don't know why some people don't consider that their actions affect other people. For some reason, it has always been something I kept in the back of mind in every decision that I make, whether it be small or big. I always take into consideration who else will be affected by my action(s). Sometimes it gives me anxiety when I have to miss work, but I don't skip out without calling in or without a good reason. But that's me. Not everyone had good parents who instilled good values, common sense, and common courtesy. Too bad you and your family had to be on the bad end of the deal...hope this week goes better!

Unknown said...

Hugs to you..sorry you had a rough weekend. Suggestion for your leftover mom always takes her grilled potatoes and places them on a cookie sheet with a little olive oil sprinkled over them. Bake for a few minutes on 350 and they crisp up. You can do the same thing with the steak by sticking it back on the grill for a few minutes. Helps keep it tender. Hope your week is a good one and that people learn to take responsibility for their actions. My dad owned two stores and I can so relate to the hours he spent covering for someone else..sometimes even on special holidays.

M said...

I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm sending you a long distance hug to make you feel a little better.

AcadeMama said...

That just sucks. No other word for it. And the person who did that sucks too. If something really bad had happened, he/she wouldn't be avoiding the phone. I'm so sorry this bad thing happened to such good people. Maybe this week you all can re-create a do-over? I know it's not the same, but you and the girls deserve to have that special time with your husband. Hang in there. Change is coming soon :)

aMom2E said...

As the wife of a restaurant manager, I so sympathize! I have been there! I wish I had a pointer or tip to make it less sucky, but I don't. Hell, my hubbie has informed me his job is ruining his life, but he can't leave the restaurant... Ohhh, why did we choose men in this business? Oh, because we love them, right... Sorry to rant, just wanted to share in your pain!! The only thing that gives me hope is that eventually it will get better. It HAS to get better, right?!?!

Lilian said...

Oh, I'm sorry you had to go through this right on father's day! I hope his new job will be MUCH better!

mgm said...

Oh that is so sucky! You should try for a do-over.

Rob Tucker said...

Sorry to be off topic on this post, Sarah.. can you email or comment on my blog with the blog address you want me to link to? I couldn't find the right one.. sorry!