Thursday, June 14, 2007

summer class

Thanks for keeping up with me even though blogging has become sparse. Lots of life things are happening. And thank you for the great comments on my last post. I took your advice to heart while I was grading my first set of papers from the summer class.
This class is going quite well. The online discussion are great and the students are really interacting with each other. I thought that the online interaction would be better in the hybrid class last spring because they saw each other in person once a week, but actually the online interactions in this class are much better. I'm thinking about the possible reasons for that so I can keep improving my online classes. But I'll have to get to that later--baby is impatiently calling me.


LeLe said...

Girl, I don't know how you do it all. You have got to be A-#1 Superwoman to juggle school, marriage, parenting two young children, building a new house, going camping, and that dreaded dissertation. I admire you! It tires me just thinking about it. I don't have kids yet and I'm just worn out from my stupid 40-hour per week job. I didn't think I'd feel this old this soon! :)

Carol Anne said...

You'll have to spill your secret -- how do you get students to talk online. Mine are barely grunting this semester