Monday, August 21, 2006

good baby vibes

I am feeling good baby vibes today. I am getting really sick in the mornings now, so good sign. I am so pleased to hear that my blogger friend Anastasia is pregnant (I assume your secret is as safe on my blog as it is on yours!). That has had me smiling since I read it. And I got a call from my sister-in-law that she is having a girl (really, there are a disproportionate number of pregnant women in my life right now--it's a bit crazy). I knew her ultrasound would be this week, and my ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby that I lost would have been this week, too. But tomorrow I have an ultrasound for the new baby, and my mom is coming today, so I am not feeling as fearful as I anticipated. I really have a strong feeling that this one is going to stick around. It took a while, but when I started feeling hopeful about this pregnancy, I embraced that feeling. After all, being miserable and afraid and expecting the worst will not make it easier to take if something bad does happen. Today I'm downright happy. For the first time since I found out I was pregnant. Feels good.


Amy Reads said...

yay good baby vibes!

M said...

I hope all goes well at the US tomorrow!

Dana and Nick said...

That's great Sarah! I'm glad you're pukey (weird, huh?) and that you're feeling optimistic :) I hope the US goes well!

Oxymoron said...
