Monday, September 25, 2006

online class getting better

Haven't blogged in a week--and I do have so much to say! But I had a sick little girl and then houseguests and today didn't go as planned, either, so blog is on the back burner.

But I have time for a quick update on my online technical writing class. I feel like I put so much time and energy into the first few weeks and got a ton of frustration in return, but now I am seeing the pay-off of the extra time spent in the beginning. My students seem to be on track at a rate actually better than my traditional classroom--first major assignment, all but one had it in on time. They are generally on top of things and talking to each other and talking to me, and I'm starting to feel pretty good about it all. I think all of us just needed soem time to ease into this new experience.

I think that my spring class is going to be a hybrid traditional classroom and online. Ideally, a computer lab classroom and online, meeting in person maybe once a week, at least in the beginning of the semester. I like the sound of that, and now someone is working with me to design the syllabus, and we'll run similar classes. This semester I have been working in a small group of first-time instructors, and that has been a great support network. I like the idea of having another person trying out this new class with me in the spring, too. The course, BTW, is Advanced Composition with the theme "Identity and Community." More to come on that.