Wednesday, November 08, 2006

election reaction and a plea to readers

My predictions were correct (but they weren't exactly long shots). The governor was elected with 40% of the vote. Which means 60% of the voters still wish he would go away. Pathetic. I don't blame Kinky because I think Carole Strayhorn took more votes from Perry than Kinky took from Bell. Bell would have had a chance if he'd had more money earlier on.

And the two local Congressional races I was watching were won by Democrats--two of the few Democrats who won in this state. They are both conservative Democrats endorsed by the NRA. But we're in Bush country. That is to be expected.

I was pretty cynical yesterday, not expecting to take much comfort in the results even if they did turn out the way I hoped. But today I am heartened by the overall shift in power. Perhaps optimism will follow.

That is enough for politics. I wish more people would respond to this. So far the only replies are from me and two people who do not blog about teaching at all (but I do appreciate their comments and their perspectives). Come on, guys. Where are the teacher-bloggers?

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