Monday, August 14, 2006

Today is good

Today I submitted my final grades for the summer, and I got a phone call that cable internet is coming THIS WEEK! Woo-hoo! And I saw a baby who is very cute and little (and his lovely and brilliant mother, of course).

And Jeanette has been so pleased with her discovery of Google Reader that I thought I should share it with more of you who might not know its beauty. And since I no longer get the glorious time-sucking, brain-rotting channels VH1 and E!, I subscribed to this blog. I have about thirty NPR feeds in there, so I feel justified. Don't judge me.


L said...

I had never heard of Google reader, maybe I should try it out! I didn't know Jeannette's blog either - it was a great find, since we live in the same city! Thanks for the links.

LeLe said...

Yes, I love the Google reader and have my Google homepage set to show my RSS feeds and favorite blogs. So, whenever you have a new post, I am notified immediately. Google rocks. So does VH1 (although it drives me crazy that I think so), so I don't cast any judgment on you! Everyone needs a little pop culture every now and then...

M said...

No one is judging you--based on the things that entertain me, I certainly have no right to judge anyone!