Monday, August 07, 2006


Last week one of Stephen Colbert's words was "Wikiality." Freakin' hilarious. I wanted to put the video on my blog and don't know how, but here's the link the "The Word" page so you can click on "Wikiality" and watch it.

The reason to bring this up, besides just sharing my great enjoyment with you all, is that I'd like to use it next semester for my online tech writing class. I am actually fond of Wikipedia and find it useful, but Colbert's piece is an entertaining way to remind student of the limitations of--or the lack of limitations on--Wikipedia as a reference. But I don't know what the rules are--I'm sure that I can download this for free at some site, but I don't know what that site is or if it is legal. I know there are official people in my department who can answer that question for me but, as I mentioned, I am grading grading grading grading and only have time to let my question loose on the blogosphere. I will follow proper channels later.

So, there's Stephen Colbert for your viewing pleasure, anyway. (He's no John Stewart, but he'll do in a pinch.)


L said...

Thanks for the link!! really funny (if serious) stuff.

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy my site: Wikiality