Friday, May 18, 2007

blogging pseudonyms

Blogging pseudonyms are annoying me right now (mine, not yours). I forget to use them because I think I just quit worrying so much over being "found out." Largely because those who haven't heard about my blog from me have heard it through the grapevine. But there will be the job search one day. And I did a Google test using my name and my girls' names and, guess what it turns up--Mommy, Ph.D. So what do you think? Do I go back and delete all the real names in my posts and start using pseudonyms? I'll need a new one for the baby. I like RB and think it suits her, but AB doesn't work for the baby.

Know why I have three posts today? I'm almost done with my essay and I am avoiding it. And I don't have a lot of procrastination time with a baby at home. Get to work, Sarah!


LeLe said...

I have FOUR posts today, so I've one-upped you. I did the fourth after promising on the third that it would be my last one for the day...I lied. I'm in one of those moods not to do work. I need to google my name and see what comes up. I have googled my username which I use on just about everything and EVERYTHING came up, like technorati and all kinds of stuff. Scary.

mgm said...

I am sure if someone worked really hard, someone might find me out. That said, I stick to my blog name just to add a little more distance between me and "the real world."

I don't really talk trash about people in my professional life, but who knows? But maybe I'll need to some day just to blow off a little steam. I just don't want that to bite me in the butt, say, when I am on the market as you point out.

So you ask what we think? I'd go in and change 'em. It might take a while to do, but you can never tell what someone will find objectionable or about what some people will be judgmental.

Also, I feel strongly about keeping The Toddler's identity as much of a secret as I possibly can. He didn't ask me to blog about him. But I'm doing it anyway.

I guess it just depends on how nervous you feel about people stumbling upon this.

Entropy said...

I'd change everything but I'm paranoid like that.

Cool blog.

AcadeMama said...

I'd make the changes...I actually just read an article about this (I think it was in The Chronicle) from the perspective of academic who was recently on a search committee. The committee found a candidate's MySpace page and, well, it didn't go over so well with the committee. I'll try to find the article and send you the link.

Lilian said...

Hmmm... hard questions there. I had never thought of googling my first name and my sons' names. My blog does come up as second and third in the search.

I'm always torn about this issue. Do you think a search committee would search for our first names and children's names, though? How would they ever know our children's names?

You know... I wouldn't worry too much about this, but, I sometimes do too, so I can't really say it in earnest. And I google my name and last name as well as my full name (with two middle names -- they're "surnames" too) regularly and as long as the blog doesn't come up in those searches I'm kind of OK with it.