Monday, April 03, 2006

Busy week...and a kid story

Another short absense coming up--Tomorrow I revise a seminar paper into a conference paper (might deserve a blog entry), write a reader's report on a classmate's article, and load up all important files from my office computer to a jump drive to carry with me to my conference at the end of the week. Probably won't touch them, but somehow I'm comforted when I bring a laptop and half a dozen books with me when I go out of town. Like I get points for good intentions. Next week might be even busier than this one--but exciting things are going on.

Still no diss proposal. Not a real one, anyway. I did read an article I was told was "essential" for me. Not sure what to do with it yet, but I think it's one of those that has to marinate for a while. I expect an epiphany momentarily.

Oh--here's a kid story--I haven't posted many of those. RB loves music--she'd have to in our house--and she's always singing and dancing. She has also been resisting bedtime lately. I started to sing the bedtime song tonight--one that I made up with her name in it--and she said "No, Happy." She wanted to sing her favorite, but inappropriately active for bedtime, song "If You're Happy and You Know It." So I changed the words. Here's the song:

If you're sleepy and you know it, Give me a kiss... (you can fill in the repeats)
If you're sleepy and you know it, close your eyes...
If you're sleepy and you know it, say "Night night"...

She was so happy to participate and went right to sleep with no complaints. I'm a genius. I should write a dissertation on bedtime songs.

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