Sunday, December 31, 2006


Finally back home from visiting the family. Everything went well. No conflicts. RB was (mostly) angelic. Now we have PILES of toys in the living room. Next purchase: toy box.

I have a lot of work to do before school starts and before my next meeting with my advisor. I am embarrased by the lack of progress I have made on the dissertation front. It's not that I haven't been working--it's that I haven't been working on that. And it has to change. But I can't work yet because RB's preschool is closed until Thursday. That means a few more days to try to get the house back in some kind of manageable order. I don't know how people work with kids at home. I can't do it. I can steal a little time during the afternoon nap, but by the time she goes to bed for the night, six-month-pregnant Sarah is pretty much worthless.

So now I'm going to put away the clothes from our suitcases (the husband, of course, is back at work) while watching the Ace of Cakes marathon on Food Network.

P.S. I haven't been on a date with my husband since our anniversary in July.


supadiscomama said...

I love the Ace of Cakes. Makes me wish I had an excuse to spend too much money on a really pretty cake. But it's bad because it makes me want to eat cake. Oh well.

Welcome home :)

Anonymous said...

What's a date?

(Another pregnant mom)

Lilian said...

Happy New Year! Well, you just got to the heart of my problem in working on the dissertation -- I have the boys with me at home at all times, so I just can't work. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to finish, but it's just going to have to happen somehow.

AcadeMama said...

You've got an evening babysitter anytime you want to schedule a date night - just give me a call!