Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Person of the Year; Thank you very much :)

Time magazine's decision to name me--and you, who are participating with me in the user-generated web universe--Person of the Year was like a big ol' Christmas present just for me. This is SOOOO what I'm teaching next semester. It raises so many questions of composition, authorship, audience, identity, and community--very exciting for advanced comp. I am on a teaching high already and I'm just writing the syllabus. After a disappointing semester with technical writing (well, not so much disappointing as just plain boring), I am looking forward to a new course with an exciting topic and a new batch of students. And perhaps I will write a dissertation, too.


Anonymous said...


This is my first visit to your blog and I'm happy (and a bit jealous) to see that you are a grad student and the mother of two (or at least will be soon). I am a 27yo second year PhD student hoping to be ABD by April of 2007. I would love to start a family soon (as I fear being an "old" parent) but I am afraid I am not ready financially. I sort of feel like I will never be ready. How do you manage being a student and a mother?

Dr. Peters said...

Dear Mymymy,
I have posted a lot about my experiences as a grad student mother, and I would love to correspond with you if you have more questions. You can email me at slynne78 at yahoo.com.
P.S. ABD, or at least out of coursework, is not a bad time to start--I had my first baby in the middle of coursework, and the schedule was rough.

Anonymous said...

About Time's person of the year... I thought it was "You, the Mac user," actually! ;)