Wednesday, March 21, 2007


My diss proposal is good. Now I have to go through the process of getting it filed so I can apply for a fellowship. I've been reading Irigaray and doing fine--much better than two years ago when I read it for the first time. I will try to get my essay revised in the next week, but I get a stack of student papers tomorrow and that needs to come first. We'll see. I am no longer frantic to get everything done--I will just do my best and take what comes. So there's progress, too.

In other news, the baby is making progress. I am dilated and having contractions that are somewhat painful, but that went on for weeks before RB was born. The due date is in three weeks. Everyone feels the need to inform me of the most convenient time for the baby to be born. Guess what? I don't care and neither does the baby. She will come when she comes. That's what babies do. We are not interested in your other plans.

There's no crib set up, but there is now a place cleared for the crib. She won't sleep there for a few weeks, so that's no big deal. We're trying to decide whether to continue with a project to paint the crib--we've bought paint and sanded the crib down already--or to abandon it and have my mother-in-law bring a different crib that does not require painting. I had a vision of lovely celestial patterns stenciled on the crib, but I quickly discovered that I am in no position to bend over painting furniture. So I think we'll just let it go.

I took some Benedryl last night and slept better than I have in two weeks. Now all I want to do is go back to bed and sleep for the rest of the day.


AcadeMama said...

Me. Too. Back to bed. I wish ;) I'm now on page 2 on my to-do list (the one I'm writing, not the list of things already done). Hang in there, and I don't care when AB comes, I'm just happy to meet her!

ArticulateDad said...

This is so exciting. Congratulations on the diss proposal, and enjoy the next few weeks. We made the mistake with #1 of expecting him "anytime now" once my wife reached 38 weeks or so. As it ended up, he was born 10 days after his due date. We spent weeks on edge, exhausted. Not a good start for the following months, on edge, exhausted. :)

p-duck said...

Like academama said, we'll be happy to meet AB when she comes - whenever that may be! If there's anything we can do to help out, don't hesitate to ask : )

Lilian said...

Congratulations on the proposal being good -- good for you! And I'm glad that you're not really worried about when the baby will come. My first one was early and the last few weeks with the second lasted forever... I just couldn't take it anymore. Enjoy these last few moments of pregnancy!

MommyProf said...

I found the second baby was earlier, but MUCH easier. May your experience be the same!