Monday, July 31, 2006

first day of school

RB started at her new school today. I've been making myself sick over it but it went quite smoothly. She hugged me and her Daddy and then took a teacher's hand and happily walked off with her. Last week we brought her for a visit so that she wouldn't be afraid of a place she'd never seen before. It seemed to have an added benefit--she had so much fun playing there that she was excited to go back today. I am relieved because she actually told me early last week that she did not want to go to a new school and did not want to make new friends--a surprising declaration from a two-year-old! That has changed now, as she has seen that her new school is a nice place to be. But I'm still thinking of it obsessively and will probably rush home to see her as soon as my class is over.

On a side note, I had an another interesting Google referral this weekend: "blog of a full time phd mother to a toddler." Guess what--You found me!

1 comment: said...

What did happen to your home works? Have you got many tasks to tackle? Let us know, and we would gladly help you with your unfortunately onerous academic assignments! And it does not matter whether it is the first or last day of school!