Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The first post

My time is spread thin, so I have to justify the ways I spend it. "Remarkably efficient" is what I have been called and what I am expected to be. So now I'm a blogger, and I do have justification as such--In the fall I am going to be teaching a web-based section of Technical Writing, and I will be assigning each student a blog. So, naturally, to be a good teacher I must understand all the workings of blogdom before throwing my students into it. There. Justified.

Currently, my academic responsibilities are to complete a 100-item reading list in preparation for preliminary exams and to assemble a dissertation proposal to submit at the same time I take my exams (a policy with which I disagree and about which I often rant--see how stupid it sounds when you can't end a sentence with a preposition?! What an unnecessary and inconvenient rule. I shall ignore it from here on out, but I felt the need to acknowledge it for any smart-alecks who like to catch English teachers in grammar errors. I'm one of them.). I gave my daughter, let's call her RB, her first haircut yesterday. She has bangs now--very cute! I got very excited about it and called her grandparents and then gushed to her daycare teacher this morning. She looked at me like I was crazy. I'm almost positive I am. :)

Thanks for reading. More to come.

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