Thursday, February 23, 2006

Revision is hard!

I'm working tirelessly (wait, what does that mean? I'm really quite tired but not stopping. Is that what tirelessly means?) on revising a paper for my Publication and Professionalization class (aka Everything You Should Have Been Doing By Now Only Nobody Told You Because It's Just Understood). I've been reading for my prelim exams since the summer, so while I have been writing, I have not revised anything longer than a paper abstract in months. I forgot how hard it is. I'm trying now to work in theoretical and critical discussions so it's not just me basking in my close reading (how I wish I could just bask in my close reading!) with the hope of publishing an article in the foreseeable future. I tell my students that revising is the most important and most difficult part of the writing process. I just forgot to remind myself!

I do have more to say about this topic, but I have to revise my paper now. Or I at least have to stare at my paper for a few hours while watching my life tick away in the bottom right hand corner.

Edited to say that I finished (for now). Woo-hoo!

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