Friday, January 05, 2007

Braxton Hicks...ugh

Can I complain for a minute? I started having BH contractions at about 20 weeks. Much earlier than my first pregnancy (this one has been more difficult in pretty much every way). They really hurt. I've given birth and felt the "real thing," so I'm under no delusions that this feels like labor. But these contractions hurt and I have them every day and it pretty much sucks. That's all.


LeLe said...

I'm sorry! I can't sympathize because I do not know how they feel, but you are in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I didn't have (or didn't notice) BH contractions when I was pregnant, but I can definitely sympathize.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you're talking about. I would usually get them in the evenings (from the 5th month on). The thing I did like about them was that my entire stomach would get tight and hard...the only time in my life that my belly hasn't felt soft and squishy!

supadiscomama said...

Sorry, Sarah. Miss Annabelle has an attitude, it seems. Even more so than RB--if that's possible!! You could commisserate with MegsG-H--she's been having nasty BH contractions for a while, too.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, that's early for Braxton-Hicks. How annoying. I've been having them the past 2 weeks, but I'm several months farther gone (isn't that what they used to call it?) than you, so I certainly sympathize!

Hope it eases up for you soon.

AcadeMama said...

This is one of the things that comes along with the 2nd pregnancy that I should've warned you about. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they may very likely come on a daily (or every other day) basis, and if they're like mine, they get more painful the further along your pregnancy gets. With my 2nd baby, as you know, almost everything was different from the first time, so I truly can sympathize with you!

One thing you can be prepared for (which I wasn't): the contractions you have *after* the baby's born, especially when you nurse, are much worse than with a first child. These were painful enough on their own to make me beg for some pain meds.

Jessica said...

I just came across your blog when I was looking for other "mommies" to blog with. I can totally sympathize with what you're feeling. I just finished my first pregnancy, and BH are something you definitely feel. But they're nothing compared to the actual labor!

Anonymous said...

Also new to your blog and wanted to let you know that I had very strong BH contractions with my second pregnancy. I think they started around 20 weeks too. I had a lot of them, specifically in the late afternoon and evening when I was tired. Just try to keep hydrated and get a little extra rest when they get bad.

Dr. Peters said...

Thanks for all the comments--makes me feel better.

Lilian said...

I felt contractions from the very beginning of my second pregnancy because I continued to nurse my younger son throughout the pregnancy -- those were even more painful than the "regular" Braxton Hicks -- but they never started labor or anything (he nursed once a day only from the second trimester on). I didn't like to feel them or the BH, and I know it's not fun to have them.

Anonymous said...

I just have to comment... I have been dealing with "BH" - at least that is what my doctor keeps telling me they are - since Saturday; it is now Tuesday. When I went to the hospital Saturday they were showing up as contractions on the fetal monitor, however, they seemed to stop once I received IV fluids. At least they stopped until later that evening - and they haven't stopped since. They are painful and prevent me from being on my feet for a long periods of time. I'm told that I am not drinking enough water, but I drink over 128 oz each day. I am only in the 20th week and it is my 2nd pregnangy. I am worried that this consistent tightening, which lasts more than an hour at times, is more than BH - but I cannot get anyone to listen. Is my baby safe?

Dr. Peters said...

Diane, I understand your fear and frustration. Your doctor has the best information regarding your baby's health, but you should also continue to voice your concerns and demand to be heard. I can tell you that I had BH with this pregnancy since before 20 weeks and it all worked out fine. With my first pregnancy I had frequent, painful contractions starting at about 30 weeks, and I made several trips to the doctor sitting under the monitor and I was also told to drink more. I also drank plenty of water and was irritated that the nurse didn't seem to believe me. At one point the doctor did put me on medication to stop the contractions, but at 36 weeks she took me off of it and we expected the baby to come early. She came at 39 weeks. The baby was just fine despite the weeks and weeks of contractions. Some people just have a more sensitive uterus that get irritated easily. If you have more questions about my experience, you can email me. I'm not an expert, of course, but I can tell you what happened to me.

Anonymous said...

Came across this post when I did a search for "Braxton Hicks Second Pregnancy" in Google. BH tend to be recognized earlier in second pregnancies (one book I have says 19 weeks, most say in the middle of 2nd Trimester). They tend to be more intense, last longer, and be described as painful than a first child.

I'm 22 weeks, but at 21 weeks I felt some pretty intense BH and it scared me because I wasn't prepared for it, but it seems pretty normal across the board. This being the winter and my first being in preschool, I have had a cold for the past week or so, so perhaps dehydration is a contributor for me.

The main reason I wanted to comment is that someone here mentioned "sensitive uterus" and I thought hmm, I had a C section with my first. I wonder if the scar tissue from that might be causing the extra sensitivity? Or, at least contributing to the already more-intense BH.

Just a theory to throw out there. I'm not a doctor at all by any means, but I do know that scar tissue heals differently internally than externally.