Friday, January 12, 2007

milestone blogging: teaching, diss, anonymity

I just realized my last post was number 200. Milestone. I'm trying to make some decisions about the blog.

This is an uncharacteristically long post, so in good technical writing style, I'll give you some headings so you can skip the stuff you don't want to read.

Blog slump:
I am in a blog slump and have been posting a lot more often to my family blog, which is all about pregnancy updates and pictures of RB. I have thought about ditching this blog because lately it's boring. But I'm going to chalk it up to the break and expect it to get better next week. I get all jumpy and anxious during breaks. I enjoy a little time off, but once I rest a bit, I want my routine back. Summer drives me crazy. I am so ready for classes to start because I really really love teaching and I also love to blog about teaching.

One decision I'm trying to make now is how specific to get about my class. I am requiring my students to blog this semester, which means that some will assume that I blog, and one of them will likely find my blog. So do I keep things vague so they can't find me? Or do I just write as though they are all reading it anyway? I prefer to blog more specifically about teaching because I feel like those posts are more substantial, interesting, and useful. But I will have to seriously consider the ramifications of students reading my blog (which I have blogged about before).

Another decision I am considering is how specific to get about my dissertation. I have blogged about dissertation process but not much on content. I wonder how useful it might be to me to blog content a bit. It might really help. There is the possibility of a separate dissertation blog, but that doesn't really appeal to me. I also understand that my readers are less interested in my specific project than in broader issues that are more relevant to them. Of course there is also the danger of putting too much of my work out there for others to pillage. Whatever direction it takes, I will do more diss blogging this semester than last semester. Because I will do more diss. I must. I have to stop taking on other projects and get focused. But there is this article that I want to revise and submit for publication. I need to work on that, right?

I guess this isn't really a decision to be made, but I am just not that interested in anonymity (or as I frequently and more accurately call it, semi-anonymity) anymore. I keep posting RB's real name without thinking. Of course, I've grown so fond of her abbreviation that I've started using it in emails and other shorthand away from the blog. My last name is hidden somewhere on the blog, too, so some people may have run across it. If you Google my very common real name, you won't find me. But if you run across this blog and you know me at all, you'll figure me out quickly. I have written about some very personal experiences, but I'm not a secretive or extremely private person--I have talked about all the stuff I've blogged in the hallways at school--including pregnancy and miscarriage, which I think are the most personal topics I've addressed here. I also don't rant about my friends and coworkers here because several people I know IRL read this blog and I don't think it's appropriate. What it comes down to is that I'm bored with trying to veil my identity in any way. I'm not sure that it's so important to be anonymous. Maybe I've just gotten so comfortable with blogging that it feels normal, not like some secret vice. Plus I also think it's really valuable personally and academically and I want to talk about that with people. And I can't do that if I'm trying to pretend like I don't blog.


chrisa511 said...

You can't cancel this blog! I just started reading it :). I'm glad you've decided to stay. Looking forward to it.

I think that having your students blog is a wonderful idea. I would've loved an assignment like that in college.

AcadeMama said...

Okay, so my comment got to long and I had to make a post of my own :-)

Anonymous said...

I post assuming that anyone I know could read my blog. And anyone who does, who happens to know me or my family, can easily tell I am the author. That said, I am a rather private person by nature and probably wouldn't post at all if not for the fact that only a few people are actually reading.

LeLe said...

Sarah, I am having the same issues. I don't teach, but I don't want my coworkers or boss reading my blog. I want to be able to have an outlet for my work frustrations without having to worry about keeping my anonymity. And I'm pretty sure people can figure out who I am even though I don't mention my first and last names together. So, I'm going to be selective about who reads it by password protecting it. I'm pretty sure you can do that in blogger. I hope you can figure out a good balance.

Jessica said...

Leann, let me know if you find a way to password protect. I'm in the same situation you are.

On the blog note, I'm a new "lurker" here, and have enjoyed reading your blog. I hope you don't cancel it!

LeLe said...

Jennie, I think you can go into your settings under "permissions" and set it up so that only the people you invite can read it. You'll have to insert the email addresses of those you want to be readers of the blog, but you'll be able to have a say in who gets to read your blog and who doesn't. Hope that helps!

L said...

I'm coming to this really late, but I wanted to say that I hope you don't stop blogging. I really value your voice. I worry about the issues that you discussed. I also use my first name and disclose my location, although I have tried not to mention my university or the topic of my dissertation and research (or even my specific area, although I have sad I went to the MLA). Up to now I've been using my sons names, but I might change that.

Well congratulations on your 200th post!

Anonymous said...

I really hope you keep this blog. It's not boring, it's engaging, informative, friendly and personal. This combination makes it very interesting to read. Regarding anonymity, I'd say there is a decision to be made. Because we don't live in a perfect world, we must take into account various pros and cons of revealing certain kinds of information. I very much appreciate your openness and sincerity, but there is nothing wrong with having password-protected or private entries. We don't share everything with everybody IRL. Hope you'll keep finding inspiration to continue blogging.