Friday, January 19, 2007

report on meeting

Meeting with advisor went well. I didn't look stupid. I guess I cried on Tuesday for no reason. Not that it was the first time I've cried over my dissertation. Or the last.

I have to totally rewrite my dissertation proposal. I've known that since June but haven't done it. My advisor came very close to setting a deadline for me. I talked to him today about how I would rewrite it, and I do think that it is better in my head than my first proposal. It's just getting it on paper that is the problem. I even made a change that he hoped I would make but didn't tell me because he didn't want to force the change on me. That was good. And he suggested an additional chapter about something that I have not thought about at all. Not at all. That was not as good.

I need to get as excited about my dissertation as I am about teaching.


wwwmama said...

Hey, at least you're excited about teaching! That's great! I had to quit teaching for this semester to be excited about it again for the fall. (which I am!)

And the crying thing is so familiar. The last time I saw my advisor about the diss was probably the first time I didn't cry... (sheesh)

ap said...

I often found that most of my students were sort of disengaged, and a handful were great while another handful were, a handful.

Anyhow, I also am writing a PhD-themed blog. Please check it out and feel free to leave constructive comments. Thanks.

P said...

I found those self-imposed advisor meetings very helpful, even if I had nothing that substantive to turn in (or talk about), it helped just connecting with the one person on campus who had some investment in my work. It's so true what you say about making progress "in your head."